Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary, How Does Your Garden Grow?

I've made a discovery. My thumb is green.

My inspiration is my Mum's lovely garden.

It will be many, many years before I have her knack for growing and caring for plant life. Until then, I imagine (hope) my love for gardening will continue to grow just as my garden does. To date, I have only had one casualty. RIP Dear Hawaiian looking flower/plant thingy. You were pretty while you lasted. On a lighter note, here's a little photo shoot of a few of the survivors.

In Knitty news, after an extended stay in the closet o' never-finished, I have pulled out my February Lady Sweater and now have an 'almost' wearable cardi. One sleeve to go and *POW* she's done. You have no idea how incredibly excited I am to finish this one.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you lost your Hawaiian looking plant-thingy, but it made me snicker reading about it. You have a lovely start to your garden and I'm sure you'll inherit some of your Mum's green-thumberyness. It's in your genes! She does have a wonderful garden though, doesn't she?

I'm anxious to see photos of your new cardi! Bring it on.

Shannon said...

I had a pineapple plant once. It was in a pot. It didn't make it. I wish I had a green thumb, I try every year to have a gorgeous garden, but something keeps eating my pansies. I look forward to seeing your Lady Sweater!

Knittymuggins said...

Lovely! My Mom has a green thumb too and I always feel a bit envious when I see what she's growing. I want a nice garden but the amount of time she spends in hers vs. what I want to spend in mine is quite different ;)

Looking forward to seeing the February Lady Sweater when it's finished!
