Saturday, March 08, 2008

Stockinette is my Self-Esteem Saviour

I screwed up on 2 of my WIP's the other day. First in line was Cece. Never having made a 3-stitch buttonhole before, I googled the instructions and off I went. Of course I didn't need to read the instructions more than once. I'm such a good knitter that I can partially scan the instructions and execute a buttonhole so perfect it will bring envy to all who see it. Ha Bloody Ha. I must have been in a deep dream state when I told myself that. I now having nothing that resembles a buttonhole. Instead I have what appears to be a section of my cardi that is ruined beyond repair. I'm sure there is a way to fix it, but I just don't have the heart to face it just yet. Next up for the mistake-a-minute fest is the short sleeved cardigan (Ravelry link) by Shiri Mor. All was going well in the lace pattern until I reached the end of a row and had one extra stitch. Blast! I tinked back and counted the stitches. Positive I would now complete the problem row to perfection, I motored on. Got to the end of the row and *BAM* one extra stitch. Fancy a lob across the room you stupid cardigan? With a thud it landed on the kitchen table while I saluted it with my middle finger. At this point, with my head hung low, I decided I was obviously incapable of knitting anything. Not one to bow out completely, I picked up a sassy skein of Universal Yarn Worsted Tapestry and in 3 hours produced this....

There's nothing like miles of stockinette to make a dejected knitter feel competent again.


Knittymuggins said...

I *so* feel your pain! Sorry the mojo was off, but look at that fab hat you are sporting now! You're right - stockinette can always be counted on for renewing faith in one's knitting skills :) Here's to a better knitting day tomorrow! Cheers ;)


Nettie said...

I know exactly what you mean. When I finish anything with lace involved I'm always shocked I didn't muck it up. The hat is very cute, that's why stockinette rules.