I'm so glad I'm a knitter for many reasons. I love to start new projects. I love to finish projects. I love the feeling I get when someone loves what I've made them. I love meeting other knitters. I love Ravelry. I received an email from a fellow Ravelry member the other week. She was asking if I'd consider selling her some yarn from my stash. Normally I would gasp at the thought of parting with any item from my stash. I'm rather protective of it. This situation was a little different. This knitter was looking to buy my 3 skeins of Moda Dea Cache which has been in my stash for years. She told me she was knitting a sweater from it and ran out of the colour I had in my stash. Apparently the colourway has been discontinued. What kind of knitter would I be if I didn't help a fellow knitter in need? I told her that I would gladly send her the stash yarn, no payment needed. So what did this lovely knitter do? She sent me a thank you gift. Before I'd even mailed her yarn. I tell you what, you'll never meet nicer people than knitters. There are two nice things about this gift. The first is that I'm amazed by the kindness. For all she knew, I could be a big fat liar and never mail the yarn (I'm not, it was put in the mailbox yesterday). The second is that for a few months I've been plagued with terrible neck pain. I have routine check ups with an Orthopedic Specialist and Physical Therapist. My Physical Therapist, Peggy, (whom I love because her hands always smell like oranges, even though she beats the crap out of me every visit) uses a heat wrap on my neck for 10 minutes. Friends, it's heaven. I drift off into la la land every time. What did my fellow Raveler send me? A heat wrap. It will get SO much use and the bonus is that it has lavender in it, which is one of my favourite scents. Today was a very good day.