Saturday, March 29, 2008
Trucking Along....

Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday? It Was So-So.
Friday Night Fill In - My first
1. I'm looking forward to Blocking Wicked so I can wear it to work on Monday.
2. Greece is a place I always wanted to visit and haven't made it there yet.
3. I've fallen in love with the song "Soon We'll Be Found by Sia.
4. Six of one, 1/2 a dozen whoozywhatsits.
5. Addiction to yarn has created an expensive lifestyle.
6. The jokes on Family Guy crack me up!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to finding a way to get rid of my headache, tomorrow my plans include whatever the day may bring us and Sunday, I want to relax!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Be Gone With You Sleeve
Saturday, March 15, 2008
My Middle Name is Willpower

Knitty Knack Paddy Whack

Or this...... Or these babies....
The sheer amount of willpower it will take me to resist casting on one of these projects is enormous. The one in the middle is my favourite. I could go for a different name though. It's called "Nob Hill". Yes, I know that's actually a neighborhood or something in San Francisco. However, being that I'm British (and apparantely forever immature), it's hard for me to say "Nob" without bursting into a fit of giggles. Colin in "Love Actually" makes me p*ss myself when he sings (about himself), "And he's got a big knob". If you haven't seen that movie, you really must. It's one of my favourites. So, now, is "Death At a Funeral". That's the funniest movie I've seen in a looong time. Actually, Kris Marshall, who plays Colin in Love Actually, is also in Death At a Funeral. He's fantastic. Anyway, got a bit off track there. Please, give me the strength to NOT order yarn for ANY of the above 3 knitted beauties pictured above. My Gathered Pullover is laying on the table beside me pleading with me to finish her. I did work on her quite a bit last night. The back is almost to the neck and shoulder shaping. I've been using a pair of Brittany Sz. 7 straight needles on the back. This is my first pair (other than a set of dpns) and I must say they are fantastic for my creaky arms & shoulders. I'm pretty sure they're made out of air, because they are so incredibly light! I always thought my heart belonged to my dear Addi Turbos but there may be a contender to win my love with these needles. Okay, I'm going now. I'm going to work on Gathered Pullover and I will NOT, under any circumstances, cast on for any new projects. BTW, have you seen the Hexacomb cardi from the Spring Interweave Knits? Dreamy. (Slaps self in face)....no Claire...be strong.

Monday, March 10, 2008
I Made You a New Friend

Yarn: Universal Yarn Worsted Tapestry
Waaaaay less than 1 skein. Not bad when you can make a hat AND a pair of gloves for less than $6.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Stockinette is my Self-Esteem Saviour
There's nothing like miles of stockinette to make a dejected knitter feel competent again.