Saturday, November 10, 2007

Charlie Bean's Hats

Supposedly these will fit a 2-year old little boy. I'm not so confident they will. Luckily Charlie's Mama has a great sense of humour so at the very least she'll get a laugh out of my blunder. Then again, shocker...they may fit. It's been a while since I was around a 2-year old so it's possible I have a very warped idea of the size of a toddler's head.
On today's knitting agenda we have the possible completion of a 2nd Irish Hiking Scarf. I'm a bit disappointed that there is a clear distinction between skeins but I'm telling myself that it's got charm that way. Also trying to finish Wicked. A few more inches until I start increasing for my hips. Yippee!!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

You're finished here!!

I'm in jeopardy of contradicting my well earned reputation as a non-finisher. This past weekend I finished a hat for Charlie Bean, Le Slouch and a set of Irish Hiking Wristwarmers. If I carry on like this I won't get to constantly complain about how I never finish anything. It is a lovely feeling to finish though. Especially when it's something that has been sitting in the Graveyard since July (le slouch). I can't believe I started it so long ago. I think I made it too slouchy though. Either that or the cutest beret pattern ever written is just NOT a good look for me. The latter is a strong possibility. I care not. I will wear it anyway. I love the colour SPARKLES!! A little sparkle...not crazy's not as my Nanan would say, "Shunkly". Shunkly is a good term to describe the finished crafts of a woman armed with a Bedazzler. No pics of the hat for Charlie Bean yet but without further ado.... here I am looking very out of place in my slouchier than slouchy Le Slouch. Don't I look shunkly? heh heh.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

I need a TURBO button

I got suuuper excited this morning when I realized I could start the Tree Jacket from those oh so talented Zephyr Girls. I have 10 skeins of Knitpicks Merino Style in Hollyberry. Read a few blog posts and decided a size 7 needle will work best. Yes, I know a gauge swatch would probably be smarter but cmon...what fun would that be? As I went searching through my collection of needles (okay I have a v. large Craftsman toolbox for them but stating that factlet would kind of make me sound obsessed so "collection" sounds much saner) for my 16" Addi Turbo, all I could find was the empty package. What the deuce? Please don't tell me it's being used already???? Alas, my fears were supported when I found it neatly ensconced in a front panel of the hibernating Ribby Cardi. To make it even worse, my 24" Addi is holding onto the stitches of my Wicked for dear life. Much to my dismay I realized that I now have TWO projects I must finish before I can start the oh so adorable Tree Jacket. Please turn your attention elsewhere while I throw myself on the floor and have a wee tantrum. &%$^$%!&#^$%&! Okay....Age 6 moment over. This sucks!! Have you any idea how long the Ribby Cardi has been in the graveyard? I think I actually see a coating of dust on the bag it's in. Oh shat I suppose I have no choice but to finish it. Actually....I do have a choice....I could put the stitches on scrap yarn and use the needle to start my Tree Jacket. NO! I won't do it....I'm going to finish it. Hmmmm...this is an interesting concept to me. Now...onto my research on how to slow down time and speed up my knitting so I can finish more projects during a day....damn where is Hiro the Hero when you need him?